3 Tips to Avoid Overeating this Holiday Season


It's Holiday Season. That means cookies, pies, holiday parties and decadence.And to be honest, it's my favorite time of year. I love making cozy foods, snuggling up and staying inside.

It's a time of year we tend to be more sedentary. That's why when January rolls around, we have packed on the pound. Well, not this season! Not if you follow these 3 tips....

Tip #1: Drink water

Sometimes when we think we are hungry, we are simply dehydrated. It's true, the tummy rumbling and the hunger pangs can simply be crying out for water. So, instead of reaching for a big plate of food, drink a big glass of water first and see if that doesn't curb the appetite.
It's actually been shown in studies that those who drink water before eating, eat less and lose weight. Other studies have proven that drinking water on an empty stomach increases metabolism.
Drinkinhg water is a two time winner for curbing over indulgence.

Tip #2: Take your time

Okay, so you have a plate of food- it smells great, it looks delicious, it's tasting better than you thought. Be Mindful- take your time to eat.
Do this by taking smaller bites, eating slower, chewing thoroughly, and savouring every mouthful. Notice and appreciate the smell, taste and texture. Breathe.
It actually takes 20 minutes for your brain to receive the message that it is full- so if you take more than 20 minutes to eat a small portion, you will find that a little goes a long way.Remember, take your time, pay attention to your food and enjoy every bite. If you are feeling like getting extra credit in performing these tips- try this:
Eat at a table (not in front of a screen), off of a small plate, and put your fork down between bites.
Woot woot- you are in for an ENJOYABLE meal.

Tip #3: Eat your Greens first

Always, always, always- eat the light healthy and nutrient rich foods first.
You may be yearning for that rich, creamy main dish, and you can certainly indulge, just don't eat it first.
Fill up on rich fiberous water filled veggies full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and health-promoting phytochemicals.And these secret weapons are great to have on your side when you're about to indulge in a large meal.

Have your glass of water, eat mindfully, and start with your salad to help avoid overeating at meals. This will help you avoid that bloated "why am I like this?" feeling and keep you on track for your health goals. Trust me, I know how one long weekend party and push you farther from feeling like yourself.

in Health and Love,


P.s. and if you really want to curb those cravings, you can take a cocktail of my Probiotics and Digestive Bitters.

Processed foods and low-fiber diets allow the pathogenic bacteria to overwhelm the good guys and diminish colon function. It's important to add these probiotics even if you drop the standard American diet.

In conjunction with my Digestive Bitters which encourage complete digestion. Stress and poor diet lead to a reduction in bile production. Our bodies should be producing a liter of bile daily, but the sad truth is that the majority of us barely create the required amount.

Diana Stobo